30 June 2008

Get your gear here...

Tired of te same 'ol same 'ol? Looking for something completely obvious but still witty?

Get your McCain/Obama Flip flop gear here:

23 May 2008

WA State RP Delegates getting SCREWED!!!

Just got this in my email:

Dear Delegates & Alternates,

The Executive Board of the Washington State Republican met last night to adopt a resolution clarifying the voting procedures for our upcoming State Convention.

As you may recall, last year the State Committee adopted rules (which were approved by the Republican National Committee) whereby 18 of our state's elected delegates to the National Convention would be allocated based on the results of the precinct caucuses and county/legislative district conventions, and 19 of our state's elected delegates to the National Convention would be allocated based on the results of the presidential primary. Based on the results of our state's Republican presidential primary held on Feb. 19, Sen. McCain is entitled to 16 of those 19 delegates and Gov. Huckabee is entitled to the other 3.

To implement those rules, the Executive Board has adopted a process whereby Sen. McCain and Gov. Huckabee are required to designate a Candidate Representative authorized to approve delegates and alternates on the candidates' behalf who will review all the National Convention delegate candidacy forms, and then submit a list of candidates approved for the slots allocated to their respective candidate. Only those candidates who are on the approved lists submitted by the Candidate Representative may be listed on the ballots for those positions allocated by the presidential primary, and only votes cast for these candidates will be counted. This process will be applied to one delegate and one alternate from each Congressional District, and all ten of the at-large delegates and alternates. A copy of the resolution adopted by the Executive Board is attached.

All those who have submitted National Convention delegate candidacy forms by the deadline will appear on the pre-printed ballot used for the 18 delegates who are allocated based on the results of the of the precinct caucuses and county/legislative district conventions.

Please remember that the deadline for submitting your application forms for delegate to the National Convention is this Tuesday, May 27, at 9:00 a.m. (72 hours before the State Convention begins). Forms can be downloaded from our website (www.WSRP.org) and faxed into our office at (425) 460-0571. We look forward to seeing you in Spokane next week.


Chairman Luke Esser
Washington State Republican Party

They also attached a WORD doc that reads:

Resolution Adopted by Executive Committee of the Republican State Committee of Washington May 22, 2008

Whereas, Rule 37 of the 2008 Washington State Republican Party Rules for Precinct Caucus and for Election of Delegates to State Convention provides, in relevant part:
The at-large delegates to the 2008 Republican National Convention shall be allocated among the respective Presidential candidates in the same proportion (subject to the rounding of numbers) as each candidate’s share of the Republican vote in the Presidential preference primary, provided that any candidate receiving less than 20% of the vote shall not be entitled to any allocation hereunder.

Two delegates from each Congressional District Caucus shall be elected to represent Washington State at the 2008 Republican National Convention to be allocated on the basis of the participation in precinct caucuses and county conventions as provided for in these rules and in accordance with the will of the delegates elected through these processes.

One additional delegate from each Congressional District shall be elected and allocated to the winner of the presidential primary in that Congressional District.

Whereas, based on the formula adopted in Rule 37 as applied to the results of the February 19, 2008, primary, seven (7) at-large delegates (and 7 corresponding alternates) should be allocated to John S. McCain, three (3) at-large delegates (and 3 corresponding alternates) should be allocated to Michael D. Huckabee, and one (1) delegate (and 1 corresponding alternate) from each of Washington’s nine Congressional Districts should be allocated to John S. McCain;
now, therefore, be it
Resolved That the following procedure is hereby adopted to implement the provisions of Rule 37:
1. Each presidential candidate receiving a proportion of the Republican vote in the Presidential preference primary equal to or greater than 20%, or winning the presidential primary in any Congressional district (that is, John S. McCain and Michael D. Huckabee) shall inform the Chairman of the State Party by mail or email of the name and contact information for a Candidate Representative authorized to approve delegates and alternates on the candidate’s behalf no later than 5:00 P.M. on Monday, May 26, 2008.
2. Any individual who wishes to be a candidate for any of the national delegate or alternate positions to be allocated to a presidential candidate in accordance with the primary results must file with the State Office no later than 9:00 A.M. Tuesday, May 27 a declaration of candidacy, either electing to run at-large or listing the Congressional District for which the individual is a candidate and containing a completed version of the following pledge :
“I, [NAME], do hereby swear that I am a supporter of [NAME] for the office of the President of the United States; and that if elected as a delegate [OR ALTERNATE] to the Republican National Convention I pledge to cast my ballot as a delegate to the convention for that candidate on the first ballot unless released by the candidate, and I pledge furthermore to do all that I can to advance the cause of that candidate at the national convention.”
Any individual who wishes to be a candidate for a Congressional District national delegate or alternate slot that is not allocated based on the primary results (that is, for two of the three delegate slots and two of the three alternate slots in each Congressional District) must, in order to be listed on the printed ballot, file with the State Office no later than 9:00 A.M. Tuesday, May 27 a declaration of candidacy, listing the Congressional District for which the individual is a candidate and containing a completed version of the foregoing pledge. An individual pledged to John McCain who wishes to declare candidacy for an unallocated slot and to be listed on the printed ballot must state on the declaration of candidacy an intention to run for an “unallocated” slot as delegate or alternate. An individual pledged to any other presidential candidate who files a declaration of candidacy for a Congressional District position as delegate or alternate shall be deemed to be a candidate for an unallocated slot.
Any qualified individual who has not pre-filed in accordance with the preceding paragraph of this section may become a candidate for an unallocated national delegate or alternate Congressional District slot by filing a declaration of candidacy, listing the Congressional District for which the individual is a candidate and containing the pledge set forth above, with the Congressional District Caucus secretary no later than thirty (30) minutes after the caucus is convened; provided, that such an individual’s name will not be listed on the printed ballot but instead will be prominently posted and instructions will be given how to vote for the individual.

3. The State Chairman shall ensure that by the close of business on Tuesday, May 27, each Candidate Representative is provided with copies of the declarations of candidacy filed for all candidates for national delegate or alternate that contain pledges on behalf of the candidate, not including those candidates who state they are running for an “unallocated” Congressional District slot.
4. By no later than 10:00 A.M. Thursday, May 29, each Candidate Representative must file with the State Office lists of candidates approved for slots allocated to that presidential candidate for at-large delegate, for at-large alternate, and for allocated delegate and allocated alternate for each Congressional District to the extent the presidential candidate is entitled to such allocations.
5. With respect to each presidential candidate meeting the responsibilities and deadlines under paragraphs 1 and 4, only those candidates for delegate and alternate on the approved lists may be listed on the relevant ballots for allocated slots, and only votes cast for such candidates, for the positions for which they are approved, may be counted either for a candidate or in totaling the number of votes cast. If a presidential candidate fails to designate a Candidate Representative as provided in paragraph 1 or a Candidate Representative fails to submit lists of approved candidates as provided in paragraph 4, the State Executive Committee shall determine the approved list from among otherwise qualified candidates who file timely declarations of candidacy and pledge their support for the presidential candidate.
6. During each Congressional District caucus, the ballot or ballots shall be divided into four parts:
a) Vote for 1 delegate allocated to John McCain {with approved candidates for delegate for that Congressional District pledged to John McCain listed in alphabetical order}
b) Vote for 1 alternate allocated to John McCain {with approved candidates for alternate for that Congressional District pledged to John McCain listed in alphabetical order}
c) Vote for 2 delegates for unallocated slots {with candidates who pre-filed in accordance with paragraph 2 and are either deemed to be, or stated an intention to be, candidates for an unallocated slot listed in alphabetical order}
d) Vote for 2 alternates for unallocated slots {with candidates who pre-filed in accordance with paragraph 2 and are either deemed to be, or stated an intention to be, candidates for an unallocated slot listed in alphabetical order}

7. During balloting for at-large national delegates and alternates, the ballot or ballots shall be divided into four parts:
a) Vote for 7 delegates allocated to John McCain {with approved candidates for at-large delegate pledged to John McCain listed in alphabetical order}
b) Vote for 7 alternates allocated to John McCain {with approved candidates for at-large alternate pledged to John McCain listed in alphabetical order}
c) Vote for 3 delegates allocated to Michael Huckabee {with approved candidates for at-large delegate pledged to Michael Huckabee listed in alphabetical order}
d) Vote for 3 alternates allocated to Michael Huckabee {with approved candidates for at-large alternate pledged to Michael Huckabee listed in alphabetical order}

05 February 2008



"NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- A growing number of top economists believe that the U.S. economy has now toppled into recession.

Alarm bells were set off Tuesday by a grim report on service businesses, which make up the majority of the U.S. economy...

The majority of the sheep that make up the populace of the United States of America, don't understand economics in even the most basic of forms, nor do they care, they want their Government Entitlement programs, because why should they work when the Government will hand it to them on a silver platter, tarnished as it may be with porkbarrel spending, and the hands of lobbyists.

It disgusts me, that today, Super Tuesday, the majority of Americans went and did exactly what I thought they would do. Confirm my belief that they are sheep by sending a clear message to the media, that it is the media that will decide who we are electing in the General Election, that ensuring that our sons and daughters will be stationed in Iraq for possibly 100 years, for ensuring that our dollar will further decline against every other major currency in the world, bringing the US closer and closer to the bankruptcy that Ron Paul keeps trying to tell us all about.

Yes, I am disgusted at the herd mentality, the total lack of individual thinking and the kind of backwoods hillbilly thought that leads to you sheep saying (in best Gomer Pyle voice, sorry Gomer) "Yup, them Muslims, they hates us for our freedom dontcha know, we's gotsta go kill them terr'ists before they try and kill us. They hate us fer our freedom ya know."

You might not like it and you might not talk like that, but if you are someone who believes that garbage, you too are a sheep.

I wonder how the dollar is doing today? A couple days ago, I made this post talking about the bankrupting of America. At that time I looked at the US vs. The Canadian dollar and came up with this:

1 USD = 0.993850 CAD

But how do we fare against some other common currencies?

1.00 USD = 0.682886 EUR
1.00 USD = 0.508903 GBP

Wow, our currency is great! NOT. And yet the sheep don't understand that our country is being fucked over by the very people that you are trying to elect. People that are for raising taxes on your income to redistribute that wealth that you work so hard for to people that sit at home and pop out children and collect welfare. For people that eat McDonalds and other crap food every day until they are morbidly obese then have to ride around on those little goddamned scooters, like the Hoveround. But don't worry! All is well, Medicare will pay for it. GREAT! Now all of us that work for a living can pay for your obese McDonalds eating welfare collecting child bearing every chance you get so you can get a larger welfare check ass, get to pay for your stupid ass to have a Ride on scooter because you are a fat lazy piece of shit.

Sorry, I am mad as hell. I am not mad that my candidate didn't do as well as I would like, don't get me wrong here, I am mad that you are all such SHEEP that you can't see that this great country is on a course for disaster. That you are not heeding the signs, that you refuse to listen and actually spend some time educating yourself on the history of this great nation. You, the sheep of this country, make me want to puke.


04 February 2008

CNN Misreports Maine Caucuses showing Ron Paul in 3rd

I have been watching the CNN webpage located at http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/primaries/results/state/#ME to see the final results in Maine. Unfortunately what I see is that CNN has it stuck at 68% reporting. Why?" It shows on the Official Ron Paul Website:

"Ron Paul’s strong second place finish in Maine, in which he beat John McCain, is proof that this race is far from over,” said Ron Paul campaign manager Lew Moore. “We’ll continue to battle for every delegate in this wide-open race for the Republican nomination.”

Here is a picture of the CNN website as of ~6:25pm PST Monday Feb 4 2008:

Is this deliberate, or an honest mistake, or are tey reporting something other than Ron Paul's 2nd place finish ahead of McCain?

02 February 2008

WA State Primary - I voted Ron Paul! Did you?

Just thought everyone would like to know that in the WA State primaries...I have voted RON PAUL! Yeah Baby!!! Ron Paul 2008!

Bankrupting the U.S. - Ron Paul and Osama Bin Laden

Recently on CNN there was an article about a new Osama Bin Laden tape in which he talks about the goal of Al-Qaeda being the bankrupting of America. You can READ IT HERE (DIGG it here).

This is a VERY interesting article to anyone who is truly following the Campaigns for President.

""We are continuing this policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy. Allah willing, and nothing is too great for Allah," bin Laden said in the transcript.

He said the mujahedeen fighters did the same thing to the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980s, "using guerrilla warfare and the war of attrition to fight tyrannical superpowers."

"We, alongside the mujahedeen, bled Russia for 10 years until it went bankrupt and was forced to withdraw in defeat," bin Laden said...

...U.S. intelligence officials Monday confirmed that the transcript made public Monday by Al-Jazeera was a complete one.

As part of the "bleed-until-bankruptcy plan," bin Laden cited a British estimate that it cost al Qaeda about $500,000 to carry out the attacks of September 11, 2001, an amount that he said paled in comparison with the costs incurred by the United States...

...U.S. government officials said Friday that the tape appeared to be authentic and recently made. It was the first videotaped message from the al Qaeda leader in nearly three years."

So, it is the stated goal of Osama Bin Laden to Bankrupt America and according to a British document, for every $1 that Osama spent to attack us it cost us $1million. Let's do some math here. That means that a $500k "investment" if you will by Osama and Al-Qaeda has COST The USA $500 BILLION.

That's a lot of cash, and where does that money come from? Well we are borrowing money from China to finance our illegal War in Iraq.

According to the same article that I linked to above:

"The total U.S. national debt is more than $7 trillion. The U.S. federal deficit was $413 billion in 2004, according to the Treasury Department."

$7 TRILLION!!!! Where are we going to get that money? The dollar is failing everyone. Just take a look at this:

This is from The Universal Currency Converter
Live rates at 2008.02.02 17:34:30 UTC
1.00 USD=0.993850 CAD
United States Dollars Canada Dollars
1 USD = 0.993850 CAD 1 CAD = 1.00619 USD

As you can see, our dollar is worth LESS than the Canadian Dollar, not much less, but it used to be worth more.

Do you know what the value of our dollar is today compared to the value of the dollar in 1913? Well, it would take approximateley $20.18 to purchase in 2006 what it took $1 to purchase in 1913. WHY? because the Federal Reserve just prints more money when they need it and there is nothing to back the money. Our money today is no better than Monopoly money!! It is worthless. Another site claims that the dollar has lost 95% of its value. I believe it! If we were to go look it up to be sure, which I am not doing right now, I am sure these numbers are at least fairly accurate. If someone wants to go look it up, feel free.

Long post, I know! But, Of the candidates, Ron Paul is the one that is continually talking about Economic Policy, Foreign Policy, etc. and he has said on numerous occasions that the dollar is failing and that the USA is going Bankrupt. Yup, THAT is how this relates to Osama Bin Laden. Osama's goal is to Bankrupt the USA, and that is what is happening! Candidates like McCain, Romney and Huckabee, will continue the massive overseas spending and continue fighting the Iraq war. More of our young soldiers will be killed and our dollar will continue to get weaker and weaker.

Way back in 2001, President Bush said:

"The object of terrorism is to try to force us to change our way of life, is to force us to retreat, is to force us to be what we're not. And that's -- they're going to fail. They're simply going to fail. I want to assure my fellow Americans that our determination -- I say "our," I'm talking about Republicans and Democrats here in Washington -- has never been stronger to succeed in bringing terrorists to justice, protecting our homeland. Because what we do today will affect our children and grandchildren. This is our calling. This is the time for us to act in a bold way, and we are doing just that." (whitehouse.gov)

This is a complete and total LIE. Our way of life did change. We were slapped in the face with H.R. 3162 (The USA Patriot act), which is a complete and total nightmare. We have been slapped in the face a second time with The Departmenet of Homeland Security, and now we have to go through some ridiculous gestapo-like checkpoints and be searched just to take a flight across country. They are trying to implement REAL ID which is nothing more than a complete destruction of our Right to Privacy as shown in Articles I, III, IV and IX of the Constitution of the United States and laid out for easy viewing HERE!

The FACTS tell the tale of what is REALLY happening

1) Attacked
2) Way of life CHANGED despite President Bush saying that it would not
3) Ridiculous Laws implemented
4) Dollar is failing

Listen to Dr. Paul from 3:40-5:25 for a glimpse into what I have written above:

The other candidates are committed to winning the war in Iraq at any cost. They do not care about the citizens of this great country. They are committed to spending your, my and our children's childrens money to win in Iraq, and the whole time we will not catch Osama Bin Laden, because as long as he is out there "planning another attack" and "hating us for our freedom" and being an "Islamic Extremist", these evil bastards (McCain, Romney, Huckabee, Clinton and Obama) will continue to destroy the United States of America.

You may think I am a kook, you may think I am crazy, but it is not hard at all to see what is happening if you just open your eyes and do even a modicum of research.

If you love your Country, if you love your Freedom, Vote for Dr. Ron Paul. He is truly the best man for the job and the man that will bring The USA back to what it should be. Small Government, States Rights, Personal rights and a prosperous economy.


26 January 2008

Fundraising: The difference between Huckabee and Paul

I find the fundraising totals interesting when it comes to upcHuckabee and Ron Paul.

I took a screenshot of each of their websites as of about 5 mins ago and this is what I see....

Mike Huckabee is trying to bring in $10mil by Feb 5th (Super Tuesday) and is currently sitting at around 2.75m. Ron Paul on the other hand is trying to raise $5mil by the same date for a "Boost" to the campaign and is currently sitting at 3.49m

Feb 5 is not that far away. 10 days to be exact. This means that while Mike "The Huckster" upcHuckabee needs to raise ~$700k/day, Ron Paul needs only to raise $150k/day to meet his goal.

While I can't seriously believe that Huckabee will meet his goal, I do believe that Ron Paul's goal is definitely within reach. I also realize that a lot of us have already donated the maximum of $2300 to the campaign, and I wish that I had that kind of money to give, because I gladly would if I could afford it.

Anyway, I will be making a donation of as much as I can afford after I make my house payment, and I urge all of my fellow Ron Paul supporters that haven't maxed out their donations to donate as well.

Ron Paul Videos from YouTube